Cartoon ambulance being driven by a tooth.

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

March 29, 2021 8:40 pm
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Many people live in fear of a dental emergency and might consider going to a regular emergency room. But a hospital emergency room is not prepared to take care of dental emergencies. Unless you experience some other non-dental trauma at the same time, you need an emergency dentist! Dentists can handle most situations that have anything to do with your teeth, gums, or jaw. Getting care as quickly as possible is important for your health. When do you need emergency treatment?

Severe Toothache

Pain is a key signal that something is wrong. A persistent, throbbing toothache could indicate a dental abscess, also known as a tooth infection. You want to get treatment immediately to stop the pain and prevent the infection from spreading.

Cracked or Broken Tooth

If you chip your tooth just a little and it isn’t painful, you may not need to come to our office right away. For more serious cracks or breaks, however, waiting could make the crack worse or lead to other problems. Not sure if you have a broken tooth? Symptoms include pain or increased sensitivity when you chew or drink hot or cold liquids. A broken or lost dental restoration (like a crown) is also considered an emergency.

Dislodged Tooth

Knocking a tooth out is one of the scariest dental emergencies. Luckily, we’ll likely be able to save your tooth if you call us immediately. If possible, hold the tooth in the empty socket and bite down with gauze. The other option is putting the tooth in a cup of milk or holding it in your cheek. The key is to keep the tooth moist and get to the office as quickly as possible.

Severe Gum Swelling or Bleeding

Your gums might swell or bleed a little sometimes, which could mean you have gum disease. Make an appointment when you can to address this issue. If you experience severe swelling or bleeding, however, it’s an emergency. You could have a gum injury, an infection, or other problem that requires immediate treatment.

Fast, Affordable Emergency Dental Care at Rockingham Prosthodontics

If you’re experiencing any of the above issues or something else that’s bothering you, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’ll let you know if you should come in right away or make an appointment for a bit later on. At our Harrisonburg office, we offer quick, cost-effective emergency care with flexible payment options. Dental emergencies are stressful. Dr. Rigby and our team are here to help. One way to prevent many dental emergencies is to get a custom athletic mouthguard to prevent sports injuries. We recommend one for each of the athletes in your family. Give us a call or click the contact link below to get on our schedule.

Image by Authority Dental under CC 2.0

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